Banglar Shiksha School Website Creation

Banglar Shiksha School Website Creation and Design

The government of West Bengal has directed to open its own Website in the  Banglar Shiksha Portal to bring every  School under the same School Management System. Through this  Website, students will have the benefit of education and administrative work. What you need to do to open this Website, how to  upload a photo and write description, what is size and format of logo for new website is described Step by Step, if necessary, you can download the PDF of User manual.

Below is an idea of how to work on the Website Content of the Banglar Shiksha School Management System (SMS) Portal.

Banglar Shiksha School Management System (SMS) Portal's Website Content to upload all the photos or all the information that you write will be seen on the School Management System (SMS) Portal's Website's Landing Page, that is, on the Website's Homepage. Below is just a preliminary idea to help you get the job done.

Banner on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload school related photo/ Banner. Select a photo from which you can get a basic idea about the school. For example, here you can give a photo of the font view of the school building with the name of the school. If you give a photo of the school building, then you can write it in the title School Name and in the sub-title Our School Building. The maximum size of the photo you upload here will be 300KB (296 X 1366) and the format of the photo jpg, .jpeg, .png.

Click here to get the full idea about the Banner.

School Logo on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload a school logo. The maximum size of the logo will be 300KB (350 X 120) and the format of the photo will be .jpg.
Click here to get a complete idea about the logo.

Board Examination on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload the information of HS and MP exam of the school.
There is no Primary School Board Exam so there is no need to do anything.

Overview on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to write a short description about your school. No photo is required here.
Click here to know details.

Academics on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload the photo related to school reading and teaching. For example, you can give a photo of the class room with the students or you can give any other photo related to school reading and teaching . The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (435 X 280) and the format of the photo will be jpg. 
Click here to learn how to complete the overview.

Schools on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you can upload any photo related to the school. For example - Student Medical check-up camp or photo of any awareness meeting or any photo related to school work, that is, the photo from which you can get an idea about the various activities of your school. Write a short description about the photo in the title and subtitle. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (435 X 280) and the format of the photo will be jpg. 

Athletics on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload the photo of the school game or the photo of the school sports. Write the title and write a short description about the photo in the sub-title. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (435 X 280) and the format of the photo will be jpg. 

Campus Life on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload a photo of what happens every day at school. For example- Morning Assembly / Prayer Photo or Mid-day-Meal Photo or Reading-Reading Photo i.e. Photo from which one can get an idea about Campus Life of your school. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (435 X 280) and the format of the photo will be jpg.

Event on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload a photo of all the recent events or programs celebrated in the school. Such as- Nirmal Vidyalaya program, Photo of different observances etc.Write a title of the photo. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (382 X 246) and the format of the photo will be jpg.

Featured Gallery on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload the photo of other well-organized programs or events in the school. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (500 X 346) and the format of the photo will be jpg.

Laboratory on Banglar Shiksha School Website

If there is a laboratory in the school, then you have to give his photo. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (390 X 240) and the format of the photo will be jpg.

Library on Banglar Shiksha School Website

If the school has a library, then you have to give his photo. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (390 X 240) and the format of the photo will be jpg.

Compound on Banglar Shiksha School Website

If you need to upload a photo of the school compound. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (390 X 240) and the format of the photo will be jpg.

Gallery on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to upload all the other good photos of the school. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (390 X 240) and the format of the photo will be jpg.

Notices on Banglar Shiksha School Website
Banglar Shiksha School Website Creation and Design

Here you have to upload any kind of school notice. Write the notice in the description and upload the photo of the notice instead of the photo. The maximum size of the photo will be 300KB (390 X 240) and the format of the photo will be jpg.
Click here to learn how to complete the Notice.

Alumni on Banglar Shiksha School Website

If any alumni of the school or anyone else has done anything for the school, their name and work should be written. Photo is not required here.

School Calendar on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Write here about the Academic Calendar of the school. Photo is not required here.

Rules & Regulations on Banglar Shiksha School Website

All the Rules & Regulations in your school should be written here. Photo is not required here.

School Uniform on Banglar Shiksha School Website
Banglar Shiksha School Website Creation and Design

You need to write about the uniform of the students in your school. Photo is not required here.

School Timing on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Starting time and closing time of your school should be written here. Photo is not required here.

Subject Offered on Banglar Shiksha School Website

You have to write here which subject is taught in which class in your school. Photo is not required here.

Fees Structure on Banglar Shiksha School Website

If there is a fee structure in the school, it should be written here. Since there is no fee in the government school, so write here "as per government regulations education for all students is FREE OF COST".

Admission Form Download on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Write here how to get the school admission form or if you can create a link to the Admission Form Download, give that link here, so that the Admission Form can be downloaded from here.

Admission on Banglar Shiksha School Website

The process of admission of new students in the school should be written here. Write down when admission starts. 

Headmaster/ Headmistress Desk on Banglar Shiksha School Website

 Here you have to upload HM / HT's photo and in the description you have to write HM / HT's opinion and various information about the school.

Our Teacher on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Here you have to write about the school teachers.   

Our Campus on Banglar Shiksha School Website

Write here about the school environment and what is on the school campus. Photo is not required here.

Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee on Banglar Shiksha School Website

 Write if there is a Managing Committee (MC) in the school or if there is an Administrator.

History on Banglar Shiksha School Website

 The history of the school should be written here.

Contact Us on Banglar Shiksha School Website

The school address, phone number, e-mail (if any) and the time of contact should be written here i.e. how to contact the school.

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