Madhyamik exam result 2020

Finally, the Madhyamik Exam result is going to be published. If all goes well, the Honorable President of the board will announce the Madhyamik Exam result in a virtual conference tomorrow(15/07/2020) at 10 am. Madhyamik Exam started on 18/02/2020 and ended on 27/02/2020. Madhyamik Exam results will be published on 15/07/2020. So the Madhyamik Exam results are going to be published four and a half months after the end of the Madhyamik Exam. Where to Check WBBSE Result 2020 ? The list of websites on which the examination results will be published is given. Madhyamik results will be published on the website at 10.30 am. How to Check WB 10th Result 2020? The West Bengal Madhyamik result in 2020 can be checked in the following manner. Search for the official website of WBBSE Board. Click on ...