Home District transfer for primary school teacher

______________New Update_______

Intra and inter District Transfer list

The first list of all the primary teachers who have applied for transfer to The Commissioner of School Education in Bikash Bhavan since last December, 2021 has been published.

The instructions in this list are as follows:

"The Undersigned is directed to inform that the School Education Department in principle has no objection to the inter/intra district transfer of the Primary School Teachers as included in the

attached list(s). The concerned authorities are hereby requested to take necessary action accordingly.

In case of any discrepancy, the Chairpersons of the District Primary School Council and the District Inspectors of Schools (Primary Education) shall bring it to the notice of the School Education Department. An action taken report has to be positively sent to this end within a week.

This has the approval of the appropriate authority.

This matter should be treated as MOST URGENT."

Click here to download this list.

_______ previous update ______

2nd phase Home District Transfer (Primary School Teacher)

Finally, the Home District Transfer list has started to be published in the 2nd phase of Primary School Teachers.

Click here to view Annexure I and Annexure II of 2nd phase Home District Transfer.

When the Notice and list of Home District Transfer of a DPSC comes, I will update it at the above ‌link.


Complete idea about PTR

In some districts, the list of home school transfer of primary school teachers has not been published. We hope that the list of home district teacher transfer may be published after the puja holiday.  After discussing with many eminent persons, we realized that the next home district teacher transfer will depend on PTR in the list.  Below I have shared some information on how PTR is determined.

Excerpts from the Schedule of The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 Norms and standards for a School (Sections 19 and 25).

Admitted Student

No. of Teacher


(With the highest number of students)

Upto 60



61 to 90



91 to 120



121 to 150



151 to 200


(One of them is HM)


Above 200


(One of them is HM)

Total Student÷ (X-1) = less than or equal to 40


40 (max):1

____________ Previous Update_______

Transfer of Primary School Teachers has started.  The notice issued by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education states that teachers should be transferred to their respective districts as per Annexure-I and teachers should be posted in their own districts as per Annexure-II.

I have posted this notice below. And I have quoted the main statement of the notice.

::The main statement of the Notice::

"I am directed to enclose herewith two lists marked as 'Annexure-I' and 'Annexure-lI'.

You are requested to release the respective Primary Schools teachers as per "Annexure-l within Friday (09.10.2020) in order to enable them to join their respective districts forthwith.

Further, you are requested to make necessary arrangements for joining of the respective Primary School teachers on transfer into your district as per 'Annexure-II'."

______YouTube Video_______👇____

Click here to view Annexure I and II.


List of documents required for transfer

Teachers from different districts who have been directed to be transferred to their respective districts should be prepared with the following documents.  Must be submitted to Circle office by next Friday.

  1. The first appointment letter to join your primary teacher position.

  2. First Joining Report.

  3.  Confirmation letter.

  4. An application for transfer by handwriting on white paper.

  5. No Objection Certificate from your school headmaster.

  6. No Objection Certificate from the bank where you have your salary.  In this case, whether you have a bank loan or not, you have to get a No Objection Certificate from the bank.


Release Order Form


Previous Update

A list of teachers who are likely to be transferred to their own districts has been published. There is an error with UDISE.

Email to DI/s , from Commissioner (School Education)

"All are requested to verify the concerned U-DISE code of the School in the attached excel sheet and submit the same with rectified U-DISE code (column-E) by tomorrow (10.09.2020) 12:00 noon, without fail.This is extremely urgent."

You can download the list by clicking on the link below.

Click here to download the pdf file.

Click here to download the XLSX file.

Previous Update

The process of transferring Primary Teachers to their home districts has been going on for a long time.Although the process is very slow, every teacher is assured and confident that one day they will be transferred to their own district.

I have outlined below how the Transfer of Primary Teachers is going on.

Transfer of primary teachers to their home districts
Hon'ble Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's valuable tweet regarding transfer.

When the Hon'ble Chief Minister tweeted about the Transfer of Teachers during the Saraswati Puja on January 28, 2019, all the teachers were really overjoyed.

"We are proud of our teachers and our students. Teachers are the main guardians,who have a huge contribution towards ours and Nation building through our students for becoming true leaders of tomorrow. On the eve of Saraswati Puja, being an ideal time also to express our gratitude to all our teacher  we have taken a policy decision of posting all teachers in their respective home districts.This historic decision will help them take care of their own families and work with complete peace of mind and full attention while contributing to the great work of Nation building. My best wishes to everyone."

Circular of the Department of Education regarding the Teachers transfer.
Transfer of primary teachers to their home districts

The Education Department issued a circular focusing on the issue of the Hon'ble Chief Minister's tweet and for its implementation.

Staff profile correction at iOSMS
Transfer of primary teachers to their home districts

After the Hon'ble Chief Minister's tweet, the Department of Education instructed each HoI to update the profile of each teacher in iOSMS.

Press conference on the transfer of teachers of the Hon'ble Minister of Education
Click here to know what the Hon'ble Minister of Education said about the transfer of teachers.

Notice regarding transfer of Primary teachers from all DPSCs
The content of these notices is to make a list of all the teachers who are not working in Home District and send it to the specified place in the specified format.
Click here to better understand the content of the notices.

Application for transfer of teachers to their Home District
This application of transfer of home district process has been completed by sending the application to the specific email address.
Teachers had to send applications to three email addresses.
Those were the three email addresses…
  1. email address of DPSC
  2. email address of Circle office

Application Format

The Commissioner of School Education,
Govt. of West Bengal.
Subject : Application for transfer to Home District
I have the honour to inform you that I intend to get transfer from my present place of posting to my home district  …………………..(Name of home district). 
I am furnishing the following information for your kind perusal and consideration for transfer to my home district :
1. Name : ……………………...
2. Name of the school posted at present : … …...
3. Address of the school posted at present :  ……..                                                                                                                                         
4. Block/Municipality in home district : …….
5. Contact number : ………….
6. E mail id :  … ……………..

Yours faithfully,
Date : 
Signature of the applicant

Copy to :
DI/S PE …………... (District where the applicant is now posted)

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sandip das said…
if i dont want to take the transfer then is it possible? or this a mandatory order ?
Hawk Info said…
Sandip Das sir,pls contact with your SI.
Unknown said…
Sir how can I apply for home district transfer now? please help me.
Unknown said…
Please send me the home district transfer list Nadia district annexure 1 part 2 memo no.1709(22)/BPE/2020 dated 08/10/2020 and the front page of the transfer order copy. It is very urgent. Please help me.

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