Revision of Material Cost during 2022-23 under PM POSHAN Scheme

Revision of Material Cost during 2022-23 under PM POSHAN Scheme F. No. 1-3/2021-DESK(MDM)-Part(2) Department of School Education & Literacy (PM POSHAN Division) Government of India Ministry of Education Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi Dated 7th October, 2022 To, The Principal Secretaries / Secretaries (Education) / Nodal Department of all the States and UTS for PM POSHAN Scheme Subject: Revision of Material Cost (earlier known as cooking cost) @ 9.6% w.e.f. 1st October, 2022 during 2022-23 under PM POSHAN Scheme -regarding. Sir/Madam, I am directed to inform that it has been decided with the approval of the competent authority to increase the Material Cost (earlier known as cooking cost) by 9.6% over and above the existing cooking cost under PM POSHAN Scheme w.e.f. 1st October, 2022 for the year 2022-23. The Material Cost will be shared between the Centre and States as per the approved funding pattern of 90:10 for North Eastern Region (NER) States and 2 Himalayan States &...