Revision of pension of pre 01.01.2016 pensioners

Recently the finance department of Navanna issued a notification stating that the pension of the retired employees of the state government is going to increase. In fact, for those who retired before the month of January 2016, as per the recommendation of the Sixth Pay Commission, the pension will be half of the basic salary i.e. 50 percent. According to Navanna, about three and a half to four lakh retired employees of the state are benefiting from the implementation of this decision. This new rule will also apply to municipal panchayat workers and school teachers. In fact, 50 percent of the basic pay during the retirement period is paid to state government employees in getting pension. Besides, in case of family pension, family members get 30 percent. However, for some systematic errors who retired before January 1, 2016, they were not getting 50 percent pension of basic pay as recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission. Content of Notification: G...