West Bengal Polling Personnel Management System

WBPPMS (West Bengal Polling Personnel Management System) is an online web portal for managing the data of all polling staff. Information of polling staff will be uploaded from the concerned office through this WBPPMS web portal. In this system the head of each office will be responsible for the accuracy of the information related to their staff. 1. Firstly, the office user after receiving their user id and password from their respective districts . Then must visit www.wbppms.gov.in . 2. In the web portal click on either ‘Get Started’ or ‘Sign in’ in the upper right corner. 3. You will be asked here for your user id and password. The form also requires a CAPTCHA verification (encircled in red) to be entered along with valid credentials. 4. After successful login, the dashboard for the respective user will be displayed. The dashboard will bear information pertaining to office employee strength and etc. The left hand menu list identifies the actions which are to ...