(Download) HRA declaration format for Teachers and employees

Teachers and government employees have to submit HRA declaration in January and July every year. HRA declaration consists of two parts A and B text. Click on the image below to download HRA declaration format. HRA DECLARATION FORMAT (As on 1st January/July. ……...(Year) (Go. No. 97SE(B), Di-07.03.2001) PART-A I am Married / Unmarried / Widow / Widower: (Strike out which is not applicable) 1. Name of the office/School:....................... … … … … .. 2. Name of the Employee:................................................. 3. Designation of the Employee:....................................... a) Employees' Present Pay (Band Pay+Grade Pay): b) HRA: c) Opted for Swasthya Sathi? (Yes/No) c) Opted for Swasthya Sathi? (Yes/No) d) Whether you get a Swasthya Sathi card? Yes/No If, Yes then write the no. of card. …. … …. … .. I do hereby declare that the details furnished in PART-A are true to the best of my knowledge. Date:. ...