The best schools in the world

Today we're writing about the top education schools in the world. These are the schools that prepare the best teachers, education policy makers, and more, to go out there and change the world through education. So, let's get right to it. First, disclaimer before I get started. These rankings are based on the QS rankings which take into consideration such things as employer reputation, the h-index, citations per faculty member, and more. This by no means means that this is the definitive ranking of best education schools in the world, but it's a pretty good one. And, if you want to learn more about the education school that's best for you, if you're interested in going into teaching and education policy making, click the link below in the description for a link to a free academic consultation with one of our academic experts. Let's get started. University of Hong Kong Number six on our list is the University of Hong Kong, located in Hong Kong. The...