e-GPF Statement 2021-22 { agwb.cag.gov.in }

Content of NOTICE/CIRCULAR Indian Audit And Accounts Department Pr. Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal No.: FM/CH-III/GPF/Statement/2022-23/out-18 Date: 11.08.2022 NOTICE/CIRCULAR Subject: Publication of e-GPF Account Statement for the year 2021-22. In order to facilitate easy access to the annual GPF statement as well as to provide better service to the GPF subscribers through the use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and also as green initiatives by this office, the printing and despatch of annual GPF statement were discontinued since 2020-21. Instead, e-GPF statement with QR code and facsimile signature were introduced for viewing or downloading by the individual subscriber. Henceforth, no GPF Account Statement would be sent to any HoO/DDO and therefore there is no requirement for sending requisitions for issue of GPF statement to this office. Now it is to inform that the closing as well as processing of the annual GPF statement for the a...