Recruitment of primary teachers in West Bengal

A few days ago, Hon'ble Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced that out of 20,000 Primary TET pass candidates, 16,500 will be required for teacher posts. An official notification dated 23/12/2020 informed that verification / scrutiny is going to start from 25/11/2029. The notification is given below … ::In Text:: _____________________________ Memo no. 1915/BPE/2020 Date : 23.11.2020 NOTIFICATION for the purpose of further process of Recruitment Online Applications for verification/ scrutiny of the testimonials for ascertainment of training qualifications of TET-2014 qualified trained candidates In terms of the order of the Department of School Education, Govt. of W.B. vide its memo no. S17-SE/EE/P-10M-6/09 (Pt-1), TET dt. 23.11.2020, online applications are invited from the TET-2014 qualified trained (as on date) candidates for verification / scrutiny of their testimonials for ascertainment of their training qualifications in accordance with the notification no. F. No. 61...