SAS Exam 2023

Regarding State Achievement Survey (SAS), 2023 This year the State Achievement Survey 2023 will be conducted on 25th November 2023.The SAS shall aim to help the School Education Department in objectively understanding the achievement level of the students against the laid down learning outcome indicators. The objectives of the survey are to: Conduct assessment test of students in Classes III, V, VIII and X in selected schools. Analyse the performance of participating students and assess achievement level. Design and develop remedial actions to achieve further improvement. Class wise Subjects covered under SAS 2023 Sl. No. Class Subject Total Score Time 1 III 1st language, Mathematics,EVS 30 1.30 Hours 2 V 1st language, Mathematics,EVS 30 1.30 Hours 3 VIII 1st language, Mathematics, Science, Social Science 40 2 Hours 4 X 1st language, English ,Mathematics, Science, Social Science 50 2 Hours Salient Features of SAS 2...