Activity Task on Banglar Shiksha Portal

Click here to download activity task of 2022 , January.

Click here to download the 2021 Banglar shiksha activity task.

Online Classroom on Banglar Shiksha Portal

"How long will we be locked in the house?"I'm not saying, millions of students.It is a cry of the mind of the students.
Due to the lockdown, they are not getting school and tuition.How will their syllabus end?How to pass the board exam?These questions have made them unstable.

The state government and various TV channels are giving them a way to meet the shortage of their studies.
I highlighted these on my blog.

Activity Task on Banglar Shiksha Portal

The Department of Education has given the activity task of different classes of subjects on the Banglar Shiksha Portal.Students will complete those by downloading the Banglar Shiksha portal's activity Task.When the school opens, the students will submit it to the teachers.
General guidelines for model activity tasks
1. Model activity tasks are created based on the curriculum prescribed for the first periodic assessment.
2. If necessary, the chapters scheduled for the first periodic assessment can be viewed from the textbook before performing the activity tasks.
3. When the school opens, the activity tasks have to be submitted to the teacher.
4. If necessary, you can take the help of school teachers.
5. If necessary, the school teacher can change the model activity task and send it to the students of his school through phone, sms, email etc.
. Stay at home and make answers in the notebook.

Students will do this in their subject book at home and submit it to the teacher when the school opens. Under no circumstances will they go out of the house.

How to download activity Task?

First open the site.
Click on the Activity task box.
Then download one by one.

E-LEARNING on Banglar Shiksha Portal

First open the site.
E Learning on Banglarshiksha portal

Click on the E-LEARNING box
Then Click on the YouTube icon.
This way, click on each icon and watch the video.

Virtual Class  on Banglar Shiksha.

Various Tv channel have arranged virtual classes for  students.
Virtual Class on Banglarshiksha portal

ABP Ananda , virtual classes in the presence of skilled teachers.
24 Ghanta ,virtual classes in the presence of skilled teachers.

How to Open the Banglar Shiksha classroom?

BanglarShiksha online Classroom

Banglar Shiksha Portal's Activity Task

This item of Banglar Shiksha portal contains the homework for each class of students.The student who is studying the class will download the activity Task of Banglar Shiksha Classroom of that class.Students will complete these Activity Tasks at home.When the school opens, students must submit these activity tasks to the Class-Teacher.
How to download the activity task of the portal?
Follow the instructions in the image below to download.
Activity task on BanglarShiksha portal

Download Activity task

Xerox copy of Activity Task should be given to the students during the distribution of MDM in the first week of July,2020 as per the instructions of the School Education department.
Here is the activity Task download link for students of all classes, you can download as needed.

Download link

Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
Class 10
Class 11
Class 12

Activity task III on Banglar Shiksha portal

Activity task III has been published on Banglar Shiksha portal. Activity task III should be distributed among the students in each school as directed by the School Education department.

Banglar Shiksha - in the telephone

Schools in the state have been closed for a long time due to the outbreak. In this situation, the state government has done a lot so that the students can continue their studies from home
Took action. For example, classes through television, use of various teaching materials through Bengali education portals, etc. Also in June, Activity Task with Mid-day Meal has been extended to the students.
In case of continuing the study of the second phase curriculum and while completing the above Activity Task, if the students have any queries, the State Government will provide an answer.Has taken special initiative.
18001232723 via toll-free telephone
Experienced teachers will answer all the questions of the students.
For this, students have to register their name, school name, district etc. through this toll free telephone.
In the first phase, this service will be launched for ninth and tenth class from August 4, 2020. Students can get this facility through all languages.

Students will get answers to their questions by calling according to the time table below.
Every day except Sunday.

Calls can be made from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

TV Programme (IX-X) of Banglar Shiksha Classroom

The Banglar Shiksha Classroom is being run directly by the ABP Ananda news channel for secondary and Higher secondary students.
LIVE Schedule 
Monday to Saturday.
10am to 11am(1st season)
3pm to 4pm(2nd season)
Students can contact the email and whatsapp no below to find out the answer to the question.
Whatsapp No- 9748217201
When do students have to email and Whatsapp?
For the 1st season, until 12 noon the previous day.For the 2nd season, until 6pm the previous day.
How do we know the live class schedule?
Follow the instructions in the image below to find out about the live classroom schedule.
Class schedule on BanglarShiksha online Classroom

TV Programme (V-VIII) of Banglar Shiksha Classroom.

The Junior classroom is being run directly by the 24 Ghanta news channel for students from class v to class viii.
LIVE Schedule 
Monday to Saturday.
10am to 11am
Students can contact the email and whatsapp no below to find out the answer to the question.
Whatsapp No- 9434324078
When do students have to email and Whatsapp?
until 12 noon the previous day
How do we know the live class schedule?
Follow the instructions in the image below to find out about the live classroom schedule.
Programme schedule on BanglarShiksha classroom

E-LEARNING of Banglar Shiksha Classroom.

This menu of the Banglar Shiksha portal has uploaded YouTube videos on various topics.Students can see these videos and get an idea of the topic.
Follow the instructions in the image below to view.
E Learning on BanglarShiksha classroom

Programme Video of Banglar Shiksha Classroom

All the live classrooms that have been completed on the TV channels have been uploaded here.
Follow the instructions in the image below to view.
Programme video on Banglar Shiksha classroom

Question and answer of Banglar Shiksha Classroom

Here are various questions and answers based on the subject.
Follow the instructions in the image below to view.

Question and answer on BanglarShiksha classroom

Details of Banglar Shiksha online Classroom. 👈 Click here to know more.

Assignment Module on Banglar Shiksha sms Portal

Class teachers will upload Assignment to the Banglar Shiksha sms portal.
How to upload an assignment module?
Click here to find out.

When students login to the portal, they will see all the Assignment module in the dashboard.
How do students login to the portal?

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