(Notification) WBBSE guidelines 2022

Notification From: Deputy Secretary (Academic) West Bengal Board of Secondary Education To: The Heads of all Recognised Junior High/Secondary Schools (Govt./Govt. Sponsored/Non-Govt-aided/D.A getting/unaided) under W.B.B.S.E Sir/Madam, As directed, the undersigned is furnishing herewith the Annual Academic Calendar, Revised Model Holiday List, Mandatory structure for framing the class routine, Annexure for the Academic Year 2022 and Format of Teacher's Diary for all the recognised Schools under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for your ready reference. Your kind co-operation for effective implementation of the same will be highly appreciated. ANNUAL ACADEMIC CALENDAR OF 2022 FOR ALL RECOGNISED JUNIOR HIGH / SECONDARY SCHOOLS (GOVT./GOVT. SPONSORED/NON-GOVT-AIDED/ DA GETTING/UNAIDED) UNDER WBBSE 1. TIMINGS OF SCHOOL HOURS: Notification, page 1 TOTAL HOURS : 10-50 HRS. TO 16-30 HRS. = 5HRS. 40 MINUTES. As per Sl. no. 3 of the schedule of the RTE Act 2009, the minimum numb...