Ranking System for West Bengal Schools


As the central government sets the standards for colleges and universities, this time the state government is also going to introduce the same ranking system for various schools.

 The higher secondary education council will determine the rank of higher secondary level schools, the education department said in a notification on Wednesday. There will be separate ranking for government schools, government aided schools and government maintained schools.

 Chiranjeev Bhattacharya, president of Higher Secondary Education Council, believes that this ranking system will be launched from the academic year 2024-2025. Chiranjeev said, "The rank will be determined through various indicators such as the quality of school studies, secondary and higher secondary results, class results, steps taken to improve the quality of school students outside of studies."

 An official of the Higher Secondary Education Council said that a committee has been formed to determine how this ranking system will be implemented. The committee has to report to the Education Department within the next four weeks.

 The question of a section of teachers is that many schools do not have the infrastructure for education. There is no teacher in the school. The number of students is below. How are those schools ranked? City schools will not get more benefits?

 On Wednesday, the education department released another notification saying that a four-member committee has been formed for the semester system to be introduced in classes XI and XII from 2024. How to take exams in the semester system will be seen by the expert committe


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