Notification of Reading Festival at Primary School

Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission Memo No 78 7/18 /Ped/PBSSM Date: 13.04.2022 To The District Education Officer, SSM All Districts. Sub: Organization of Reading Festival at Primary level School Madam/Sir, In connection with the above subject, you are requested to inform all the primary level schools (School management code 1,2,3,12,15,90,97) to organize a Reading Festival at school premises where parents and community may be invited to exhibit the learning and reading skills of the children. The activities and duration of the Reading Festival to be decided and designed by the children themselves with the help of teachers. In the Reading Festival, children are encouraged to design and decide on a variety of activities in the form of games related to reading books, words, crosswords, storytelling, skit, poems which can be exhibited in the Festival. It will help children to build skills and gain confidence, as well as cultivate an appreciation for the world around them and...