Survey regarding PEACOCK Model under CCE

Sub.:- Survey regarding PEACOCK Model under CCE (Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation) Ref.:- Letter of the SPD, PBSSM. Vide Memo No.-149/Ped/PBSSM, Dated-27/09/2023 With reference to the above mentioned subject, the undersigned would like to inform you that a survey regarding implementation of PEACOCK Model under CCE (Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation) has been decided to conduct by collecting response from HOIs & at least one Assistant Teacher from each school through Google Form (Link: ). You are requested to ask the HOIs & at least one Assistant Teacher from each school having Classes-I to VIII under your Circle jurisdiction to fill up the Google form through the said link online within 15th October, 2023 positively. Dear Sir/Ma'am, This is to inform you that a survey regarding implementation of PEACOCK model of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) has been decided to conduct by collecting response ...