Clearance of 'Not Certified' (NC) cases of the D El Ed conducted by the NIOS in respect of the in-service teachers

Notification Content of Notification : Subject: Clearance of 'Not Certified' (NC) cases of the Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) in respect of the in-service teachers. Under Section 29 of the NCTE Act, 1993, the Ministry of Education (Department of School Education & Literacy), Government of India has issued the direction vide F. No. 11-15/2017-IS. 14 (Vol. V) dated 19th July, 2022 to the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and as per the Order of NOTE vide F.No NRC/NCTE/NIOS/Recognition/372th Emergent meeting/2022/218774 dated 27/07/2022 the minimum eligibility for Admission to D.El.Ed. has been substituted and relaxed is as under: NRC considered the case of NIOS in its 372 Emergent meeting held on 27th July, 2022 and the NRC decided that the condition ie "Any requirement of minimum eligibility for admission to D.El.Ed. programme ie 50% marks in Class 12 to the extent that those...