Observance of Independence Day in India | 15th August 2022

Notification Content of Notification: Sub: Observance of Independence Day Ref: VC held on 10/08/2022 with the SPD, PBSSM. Sir/Madam, Reference to the above is to inform you that it has been decided, this year Independence Day will be celebrated in schools with some Innovative Activities with involvement of both the Teachers and Students. Each Activity will be based on some learning Outcomes. For 12th to 14th August in all schools teachers and students will be involved in making or preparing this type of project so that it can be ready to display for all. The activity may include: 1. Making of the National Flag. 2. Making of badges.3. Plantation. 4. Poster Making on Swadeshi Movement. 5. Wall Magazine on some topics. 6. Wall painting on creative ideas by students. 7. Painting on social issues. 8. Chart Making in each subject and Classroom decoration. 9. Model and Craft Making 10. Science Model Making and Exhibition. ...