Prohibition of private tuition.

Notification for Prohibition of private tuition Content of Notification Government of West Bengal Directorate of School Education Bikash Bhavan, 7th floor, Salt Lake City,Kolkata-700091 Memo No. 161-SC/G 1C/497/LS/2021 Date: 27.06.2022 From: The Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal To: The Head of the Institutions, All Traditional Govt. schools, Govt. Model Schools and NIGS, West Bengal. Sub: Prohibition of private tuition . Ref : (i) WPA No 13938 of 2021, West Bengal Private Tutors' Welfare Association & Ors. -Vs- The State of West Bengal & Ors. (ii) Memo No. 1244(2)-SE(Law)/SL/5S-324/2021 dt 13.12.2021 of the Assistant Secretary to the Govt of West Bengal, School Education Department. With reference to the subject mentioned above and memo under reference, he/she is hereby requested to take necessary action as per Section 28 of The Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. He is also requested to communicate the matter to all...