Class Plan on Banglar Shiksha Portal

A teacher makes a class plan / lesson plan before teaching students.Currently teachers have to add Class plan in Banglar Shiksha portal.In this blog, I have briefly discussed about class plan and how to add class plan to the Banglar Shiksha portal. What is Lesson plan / Class plan? Lesson planning is the outline of well-thought-out, systematic sequential processes for smoothly conducting daily classroom learning. That is, a detailed written form prepared for the purpose of presenting a special lesson to the students in the classroom is a daily lesson plan. Just as an Engineer has a blueprint design for building, so do Teachers have a lesson plan for teaching. Lessons plan steps / elements: Introduction - The introduction will be at the beginning of the lesson plan. Here the name of the institution, class, subject, number of students present, average age of students, time and date have to be mentioned. Behavioral objectives / learning outcomes- Behavioral ob...