Madhyamik exam 2021

Madhyamik exam ( MP or Secondary Examination ) in West Bengal is an opportunity for students to test their skills for the first time in life. The way forward depends on this examination. After passing this examination, students move forward with a smile on their face. Students who can not pass the Madhyamik exam do not have the morale to move forward. Schools have been closed for a long time due to the Corona epidemic in 2020. As a result, students are not able to prepare for exams properly. The year 2020 is coming to an end and the schedule of secondary examination will be announced in 2021. Due to the accumulation of different thoughts in the head, students are not able to concentrate properly for secondary exams. How are students preparing for the 2021 Madhyamik exam? In the Corona situation, the way the students are preparing for the secondary examination is as follows: Teachers are conducting online classes with the help of various social media, so that the stu...