Udise data entry 2022

This is to inform that like previous years, execution of UDISE 2021-22 is to start immediately. For this purpose it is planned that activities would be taken up as per following schedule - (Source:PBSSM)

Schedule of Udise data entry 




Meeting with the district

Meeting with SIS


Meeting with HoIs

Sharing of login credentials with schools


Data entry starts


Completion of data entry


Checking of data with comparison of previous year's data at Block level


Unfreeze and refreeze by Block level


Checking of data at district level


Unfreeze and refreeze at district level


Checking at State level and finalisation of data

Issues discussed in today's (23/3/2022) meeting on implementation of UDISE 2022 through VC…..

1) Default Password of School/Block/District/State to be created and will be shared with the District.

2)Due to unavailability of computers and other accessories, data entry in respect of primary schools may be done at circle level.

3)Similar procedure to be followed for Jr. High schools

4)DashBoard for monitoring at CPC level will be available shortly. 

5)Download of pre-filled and blank DCF at HoI level would be available from tomorrow.

6)Enrolment of all classes from Banglar Shiksha Portal as on date to be captured.

7)HoI can view the students’ data educational year/class/section wise from ‘Students’ List View’ sub-menu under ‘Student Management’ menu. Such data may also be downloaded in excel file from ‘Download Students’ Information’ sub-menu under ‘Student Management’ menu.

8)Board Result for MP/HS Exam for the year 2021 to be taken into account.

9)Infrastructure data as on date.

10)1, 15 & 12 management code schools will be entered through Banglar Shiksha Portal.

11)Teacher Transfer in/out module to be made available for all districts.

The information that needs to be uploaded during UDISE data entry is as follows….

  • Current BSP Roll Strength-2022 including CWSN & New Admission in class 1, total class wise boys and Girls, total caste wise boys & girls such as gen/sc/st/obe, minority details out of total boys & girls. 

  • Current Teacher Details-2022.

  • Result of all the students of the highest class -2021. 

  • All the Incentives-2021.

  • All the grants-2021. 

  • All the grants of CWSNs- 2021.


  • Enrollment : Current Year as per Banglar Shiksha Portal

  • Incentives & Facility : 2021

  • Exam Result : 2021

Login Details for different Users in UDISE Plus 2021-2022 Portal

Udise plus portal URLs are as below:

a) https://banglarshiksha.gov.in (for Management 1 and 15 )

(Select the icon UDISE Plus on then lading page )

b) (for other management)

(Recommended to change default password after 1st successful Logged in )

Credentials for different level of users are as below:

1. For School HOI

Default User Id and Password is as below:

User Id : School Code + 33 (total 13 digits )

Password: school#@2022

(e.g. School Code : 19070206202 + 33 then User Id= 1907020620233 )

If you fill in the following offline form before filling in the data online in the Udise module of Banglar Shiksha portal, it will be correct to fill in the online data.

Click on the link below to know Udise website, password, login ID, data entry procedure etc.

UDISE+ 2021-22 DCF Revised with the new fields

Some new data from UDISE has been revised for the year 2021-22. Download the following pdf to find the revised data. In this pdf the revised data is marked in yellow.

If you download and print out this pdf, then when you do UDISE (as Revised) data entry online, this pdf will be very necessary.

The data entry into these new fields may start on 31/05/2022 and is to be completed by 06/06/2022.

Click here to download Yellow marked DCF for UDISE 2021-2022.

UDISE+ 2021-22 DCF Additional fields 24.05.2022

Even if you don't download the above pdf, you will have to print out the following pdf. The data that was part of the yellow color in the previous pdf is given here together. You don't have to look for it separately.

Click here to download UDISE 2021-22 DCF Additional fields 24.05.2022.


There is a correction in the UDISE Additional DCF 2021-22.

The Transgender field in Table 1.9 is to be deleteed. 


Guidelines for Additional Fields of UDISE+ 2021-22 DCF  25.05.2022

You can download the following guidelines to complete the above pdf accurately.

Click here to download Guidelines for Additional Fields of UDISE+ 2021-22 DCF  25.05.2022


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