Utsashree portal Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to download FAQ of date 21/01/2022 (OSMS - Utsashree)

 1.How many applications of teachers can be forwarded by the HOI and on which basis? 

Applications from not more than 10% of total teachers’ strength can be forwarded by the HOI. As per rule 5 (6) of the Rules of 2015, priority will be given to teacher senior in age in order to select 10% teachers.

2.If all the teachers of a particular subject apply for transfer and in the event of their transfer who will teach the subject? 

The school authority will consider the number of subject teachers and roll strength. If resultant vacancy of a school in a particular subject becomes zero or not commensurate with roll strength, the school authority may not forward the application in case of application for other reasons. Otherwise such applications are liable to be rejected at the SSC level.

3.Whether the applications seeking transfer on the following grounds can be rejected for the reason that resultant vacancy of school in a particular subject becomes zero or not commensurate with roll strength or total application exceeded 10% norms? 1. Medical ground as specified. 2. Physically disablement of 40% or more  3. Female incumbent facing serious problems in attending school due to divorce or death of husband 4. Incumbent of age 57 years and more and willing for home district posting.

No. These provisions have been dispensed with for the applications made on the referred grounds. The HOI will forward applications seeking transfer on priority reasons. Provisions have been made for filling up such resultant vacancy at the SSC level.

4.For what type of disease an applicant may apply on medical ground? 

Any incumbent or his/her son/daughter/spouse suffering from malignant disease/severe heart disease/renal failure/thalassemia, replacement of organ/serious gynecological disorder causing serious problem in attending the school may apply for transfer on medical ground.

5.What will be the fate of application seeking transfer on any of the above stated four grounds if all three choices are not available at the time of consideration of application by the authority? 

In that event, the authority will assign a suitable available vacancy nearer to the school of his/her  choice.

6.What will be the fate of application seeking transfer on “Any other reason” if all three choices are not available at the time of consideration of application by the authority?

In that case, the application will be rejected.

7.Whether 10% restriction is for non teaching employees also?    

No. Non-teaching staff are outside the purview of the 10% norms.

8.Whether hard copy of application is required to be submitted to higher level?

No hard copy of application is to be submitted.

9.In other grounds transfer applications, if more than one application for a single vacancy is received, on what basis consideration will be made? 

In such cases consideration will be made on the basis of marks obtained by the applicants.

10.In case of two or more incumbent securing same marks, then who will get that vacancy?

In that case, application submitted earlier will get priority.

11.If an incumbent availed transfer order earlier, whether that employee can apply for transfer now?

Such incumbent can apply for transfer again after 5 years since joining on transfer.

12.If an incumbent refused transfer order earlier, whether that employee can apply for transfer now? 

Such incumbent shall not be allowed to submit application before completion of 7 years from that refusal of transfer order.

13.If an incumbent is unable to enter into the portal for want of e-Mail ID/Mobile no./PAN no. in his/her personal profile in i-OSMS portal, what can he/she do? 

For primary teachers, SI/S may be approached and in case of secondary employees, HOI may be approached for inclusion of necessary information.

14.Is there any time limit in order to dispose of pending applications in different level? 

Yes. Applications required to be disposed of by the SI/HOI, DI Secondary/DPSC within 14 days from the date of receipt. At SSC level, it is 21 days, at WBBPE level, it is 7 days and at WBBSE level, it is 1 day. 

15. If an incumbent uploads Google map in support of distance, will it be entertained. 

Yes. It is in fact the best way to decide on the distance claimed. 

16. Can applications be sent back from various levels without reason? 

No. In all such cases valid reason(s) are to be mentioned before sending back applications. Utmost care should be taken at the concerned level in this regard. Otherwise it may invite court case. 

17. The incumbent has made a mistake during his/her form fill up procedure. now he/she wants to know how to rectify it. 

The incumbent may request SI concerned (in case of Primary) / HOI (in case of Secondary) to send back the proposal to the incumbent so that he/she can submit afresh.


Goutam said…
What is the regular interval time of updating no.of students data in utsaaree portal from Banglar shiksha E-portal?
Unknown said…
HOI,can not respond my transfer application till now 21 days.what step I taken??

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