Infrastructure Survey and School Uniform Survey in Banglar Shiksha Portal

 All schools in West Bengal are still closed due to the pandemic. Hon'ble Mamata Banerjee had recently announced that all schools would be reopened after the Puja holidays.

The Education Department has taken initial steps to make this announcement of Hon'ble Mamata Banerjee a success. The Department of Education has added two modules to the Banglar Shiksha Portal for the purpose of opening schools. These modules are Infrastructure Survey and School Uniform Survey.

Purpose of Infrastructure Survey in Schools:

Schools have been closed for a long time. There have been many natural disasters during this period. As a result, many school infrastructure has been damaged. This survey is very important for the purpose of repairing the infrastructure.

Cvd situations are still present in the state. Therefore, this survey is very important for the schools to be started in compliance with the health rules.

Guidelines for providing information on school reopening through BANGLAR SHIKSHA Portal

Before providing the input for different fields , the HoIs should go through the following instructions carefully.

1. The information to be provided through this module is meant for school reopening only following the CVD norms.

2. The idea is to restore the status of the school infrastructure as was before the suspension/closure of the schools for academic purposes and NOT FOR ANY NEW INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDING.

3. Since such a requirement of funds has emerged out of the disuse of classrooms, toilets, MDM kitchen

sheds, electrical appliances ete, the amounts to be put should be for repair purposes only.

4. However, for the districts hit by cyclonic storm "YAAS'' or recent deluge, the amount may go up.

5. Therefore, while estimating the amount required for the above, the Hol is required to keep in mind that

the amounts put in respective sections are justified.

6. In no case, any school should put an exorbitant amount for any purpose.

7. Relevant photos (upto 100 KB) are required to be uploaded to justify the claims made. Photos should be of such nature that in case of physical inquiry, the same bear resemblance.

8. All amounts to be put must be in actual Rupees only.

9. However, it may be noted that ANY CLAIM may require vetting by the Field Level Jr. Engineers/Asstt. Engineers of SSM.

How to fill the data of school infrastructure survey on Banglar shiksha portal?

If you watch the YouTube video below, you will understand how to complete the infrastructure survey.

1. After logging in please go to the "INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY" field under "SCHOOL MANAGEMENT" section.

2. For CLASSROOM field, total no, of classrooms to be used for instructional purpose and thus required to be

cleaned and repaired ( if required) is to be mentioned AND the estimated amount for the cleaning and repair

of the classrooms is to be mentioned. The maximum amount to be mentioned for primary, upper primary & secondary / higher secondary schools are &1,50,000/-, 2,00,000/-& 5,00,000- respectively.

Maximum 3 photos (each upto 100 KB) may be uploaded to justify the claim.

3. For the KITCHEN SHED field , the estimated amount is only for repair of the MDM kitchen shed only.

The maximum amount allowed is Rs 50,000/-, One relevant photo (upto 100 KB) is to be uploaded if claimed.

4. For the TOILET field, the estimated amount is only for repair and cleaning of the toilets only. The maximum amount allowed is 25,000/ . 3 relevant photos (upto 100 KB) are to be uploaded if claimed.

5. For the DRINKING WATER field, the estimated amount is only for repair of the EXISTING DRINKING WATER RESOURCES only.The maximum amount allowed is Rs 50,000/ .

One relevant photo (upto 100 KB) is to be uploaded if claimed.

6. For the ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES field, the estimated amount is only for repair of the existing electrical appliances only. The maximum amount allowed is 5,000/,.

 3 relevant photos (upto 100 KB) are to

be uploaded if claimed.

7. For the FURNITURE field, the number of each type of furniture is to be put and the estimated amount is only for repair of the existing FURNITURE (i.e benches, chairs & tables) only. The

maximum amount allowed is 3,00,000/. 3 relevant photos (upto 100 KB) are to be uploaded for each type of

furniture, if claimed.

8. However, if funds are required for any other purpose, which is indispensable for the reopening of the

school, the same may be mentioned within 200 characters in the space provided. The purpose is to be

mentioned specifically. One relevant photo (upto 100 KB) is to be uploaded if claimed.

Also, the estimated amount for cleaning and sanitization of the school compound is to be mentioned in

the relevant field. The maximum amount allowed is Rs 10,000.

At the end, please click on the checkbox for declaration and save as draft by clicking on the green area at the bottom.

Once saved as draft, a school should recheck the information provided and make necessary modifications, if required.

If all the information provided is perfect in all respects, the FINALIZE button may be clicked. 

Once FINALIZED, no information can be modified and the school will remain responsible for the information provided.

How to fill the data of school uniform survey on Banglar shiksha portal?

If you watch the YouTube video below, you will understand how to complete the Uniform survey.


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