Delete or deactivate a student from Banglar shiksha portal

A new module has been added to Banglar Shiksha e-Portal. This new module is called "Delete Student".

This module can be used to delete / deactivate a student's ID.

In which cases can the "Delete Student" module be used?

  • Duplicate:

If a student enters the Banglar Shiksha Portal more than once, the school will have to delete the duplicate id by keeping the correct ID

  • Wrongly Uploaded:

 Id is generated with wrong information during data entry of a student in Banglar Shiksha Portal, then the Id of that student has to be deleted or Deactivated.

  • Died: 

If a student dies, the student's Id must be deleted or deactivated.

How to delete or deactivate a student's Id from Banglar shiksha portal?

Delete student from banglar shiksha portal

  • First you have to login to Banglar Shiksha portal (HoI).

  • Click on the "Delete Student" option located in the 'Student Management' of the Navigation menu.

  • The student whose Id is to be deleted or deactivated, type the Id of that student and click on the 'search' button.

  • Select the cause of deactivation and click "Send to SI".

Honorable SI sir will take steps to delete or deactivate the student's ID after thorough verification.
