National Achivement Survey 2021

 Every two years, a National Achievement Survey of students is conducted across India to try to gauge the Learning Gap of the students.

This is called NAS for short.

The last survey was conducted in 2017. The survey will be conducted on November 12 this year on third, fifth, eighth and tenth class students of different schools.

The number of students in which classes of which schools will be included in this survey will be randomly selected and the selected schools will be informed in time whether the examination will be online or offline.

The topics that will be surveyed on a class basis are as follows….




Class- III





Environmental studies


Class V





Environmental studies


Class VIII







Social science


Class X







Social science




Science= Physical science + Life science

Social science= History + Geography

Class Ill and Class V will have combined questions on the above three topics.

In case of Class VIII and Class X, there will be questions on any one of the following combinations.

Combination of Class VIII for NAS 2021

Subject Combination

Full Marks

Bengali + Mathematics


Mathematics + Social science


Science + Bengali


Social science + Science


Combination of Class X for NAS 2021

Subject Combination

Full Marks

Bengali + Mathematics

35+35= 70

Mathematics + Social science

35+35= 70

Science + English

35+35= 70

Social science English

35+35= 70

Bengali + Science

35+35= 70

NAS 2021

The West Bengal Education Department has uploaded a questionnaire called MCQ ADAPTATION PACKAGE on the Banglar Shiksha portal to acquaint the students with the types of MCQs that appear in various exams(NAS) in India.

Question type of National Achievement Survey:

The questions will not be Informative type, there will be understanding and application based questions. There will be questions

Generic Question type i.e. Class V question means not only book based questions of class V, there will be knowledge based questions on what the student has learned till class V.

Question 3-4 will be in set, each set will have the same question.

But their serial numbers will be different.

The MCQ ADAPTATION PACKAGE of Banglar Shiksha portal has 36 marks questions instead of 35 marks in Science and Social Science of Class-X.

 Science = Physical Science (18) + Life Science (18) & Social Science = History (18) + Geography (18), but the NAS 2021 questionnaire will have 35 marks.

Student to do:

Students should submit the correct answer to the questionnaire that will be given to them from the school and submit it to the school on the specified day. If necessary, Banglar shiksha can call the toll free number of the telephone and get help from various subject teachers.

Teacher to do:

When students ask the teacher thematic questions over the phone about the corner of the survey, they should be guided in such a way that they do not answer directly so that they can find the right answer.

By the way, MCQ ADAPTATION PACKAGE is just a sample question, not a NAS question. Since there can be many more questions outside of this model question, students need to be guided appropriately so that they can answer all those questions as well.

NAS will be conducted in 3165 numbers of randomly selected schools.

An M.C.Q. Adaptation Package has been designed in such a manner so that the students can get acquainted with different types of innovative questions of this format. The package is available in Banglar Shiksha Portal,

Watch the video below 👇


All HOI are requested to  download the said  M.C.Q. Adaptation Package from Banglar Shiksha portal to get them printed in required number and distribute among the guardians of class III, V, VIII, X on 4th and 5th October  .

Proper schedule of distribution is to be made so that distribution of the model MCQ papers may be done maintaining COVID protocol and guardians may be sensitized about NAS on those days. 

The answers to MCQ Adaptation Package have to be submitted by the students to the respective subject teachers through guardians on 25th, 26th October. Schedule for collection of packages (25th,26th October) be intimated to the guardian on 4th,5th October itself. 

Assessment of model question papers should be done by the subject teachers on 27th and 28th October 2021 and the briefing of the students to be done by the subject teachers accordingly.

A separate facility for asking questions on NAS and Model MCQs will be made available in Banglar Shikha  Durabhash on and from 7th October 2021 as per following schedule. Students may ask questions for doubt clearance through Banglar Shiksha Durobhashe(BSD) for concerned classes. Toll free number for BSD is 18001232823.       



Time Span


Forenoon Session

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Afternoon Session

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Live class session will be held on eBanglar Shiksha (available in Banglar Shiksha portal ( as per following schedule.








12:00 – 13:15



13:30 – 14:45


III   &  V

15:00 – 16:00




12:00 – 13:15



13:30 – 14:45


VIII  &  X

15:00 – 16:00










12:00 – 13:15



13:30 – 14:45


III   &  V

15:00 – 16:00




12:00 – 13:15



13:30 – 14:45


VIII  &  X

15:00 – 16:00



There will be a separate questionnaire for HT / TIC on school opening, INFRASTRUCTURE.

FAQ related National Achivement Survey

1. What is NAS?

NAS stands for National Achievement Survey. It is the largest, nationwide, sample-based education survey conducted across India.

2. Why is NAS conducted?

To provide structured feedback on student learning levels at District, State, and national levels. These inputs are used for policy planning and designing pedagogical interventions to improve quality and ensure equity in learning.

3. What is the date of NAS 2021?

12th November 2021.

Click here to know the FAQ related to the National Achievement Survey.

OMR sheet of NAS 2021 (sample)

OMR sheet of Nas 2021

Questionnaires (PO, TQ, SQ) of NAS 2021


  •  No. of Questions

  1. 25 (For Grade 3,5,8) 

  2. 32 (For Grade-10)

  • Mode of administration will be interview Mode 

  1. for Grade-3 & 5 

  2. Pen and Paper Mode for Grade 8 & 10.

  • The questions will be focused on

  1. Family background

  2. Facilities at home, 

  1. Involvement of parents, 

  2. Safety and facilities in  School learning during pandemic  facilities for CWSN


  • No. of Questions - 69

  • Mode of administration will Pen and Paper Mode (For all Classes)

  • The questions will be focused on

  1. School Facilities

  2.  School Infrastructure,

  3.  Materials available for Teachers. 

  4. Professional Development Facilities. 

  5. Teaching and Assessment methods and Innovative pedagogies, 

  6. Parents involvement for student's achievement. 

  7. Teaching during Pandemic. Covid measures at school.


  • No. of Questions - 73

  • To be filled by the Head Teachers and FI will collect the information from the Head Teacher.

  • The questions will be focused on

  1. School Facilities, 

  2. School Infrastructure. 

  3. Materials available for Teachers. 

  4. Availability of teachers and supporting staff,

  5.  Parents' involvement in school for students' achievement. 

  6. Teaching during Pandemic. 

  7. Covid measures at school, 

  8. Facilities for CWSN.

  9. School - Community interaction


Documents for NAS 2021

Download Links


Capability building(CB) documents

Click here


Control Sheet

Click here


Instructions sheet

Click here


Activity Schedule for Observer

Click here


Hand out for Observer

Click here


Activity Schedule for Field investigation

Click here


Field note for Observer

Click here


Hands of simpled school

Click here 


Field note for Field investigation

Click here


Documents for NAS 2021

Download Links


Data and List of Sample Schools NAS 2021

Click here


Introductory Memo for Sample Schools NAS 2021

Click here

Answer of MCQ Adaptation Package

Class X : Physical science 👉 Click here.

Class X: Life Science 👉 Click here

Class X: Mathematics 👉 Click here

Class X: English 👉 Click here

The list of schools selected for NAS 2021

Click here Click here to see the list of schools selected for NAS 2021.

Heads of the Sampled School selected for NAS 2021 are expected to extend cooperation to the Survey Team
as per list of obligations outlined here.
(District-wise List of sample schools will be shared with the DNOS/DLCs in due course)

1. Ensure that school is functioning on 12 November 2021.

2. Ensure that no other activities (such as Annual Function, Sports Day, Cultural Event etc.) is fixed on 12th Nov.2021.

3. Being Head of the School, ensure the presence of yours as well as of your teachers.

4. The Grade in which National Achievement Survey (NAS) will be conducted in the school will be intimated by the Survey Team.The same will also be intimated to the State Nodal Officer, District Nodal Officer and the DLC.

5.  Survey Team comprises of an Observer and Field Investigator (FI),

6. Field Investigator (FI) will report to the assigned sample School by 7:30 AM.

7. Observer will report to the assigned sample school by 8:30 AM (after collecting the NAS Sealed packets)

8. Present attendance registers of the sampled Grade(s) to Survey team and confirm the no. of Sections running in Grade(s).

9. Help survey team to identify a suitable room (preferably bigger) for seating 30 students (Sampled Batch). Room should preferably be at the ground floor and should have proper benches and lighting.

10. Facilitate the Survey Team by providing one or two table(s) and chair(s) for their work and provide them white sheets.

11. If needed, arrange for a scribe for children with special needs (CWSN), if any in the sampled batch.

12. Fill up the School Questionnaire (SQ) and provide complete and factual data as sought in the Questionnaire.

13. Ensure Discipline and non-interference of teachers in the Survey.

14. Time schedule for Survey is as mentioned below:



Start Time

End Time

Grade 3 and 5

90 Minutes

10:30 AM

12:00 PM

Grade 8 and 10

120 Minutes

10:30 AM

12:30 PM

15. Survey includes Achievement Test (AT) and Pupil Questionnaire (PQ) which are to be attempted and filled by the students of the sample batch. Sample batch standard size is 30.

16. Students must stay back for filling of PQ. For Grade-3 and 5, the FI would assist and help in filling the OMRS.

17. FIs would get things done in an interactive manner. Students may use their own HB Pencil/Pen for the Survey.

18. Concerned subject teacher(s) of the Sampled Section must be present to fill the Teacher Questionnaire (TQ) .

19. Students should darken the correct circle as in the example below:

20. After the PQ is completed, the students may be allowed to leave.

21. The questions asked / response sought in PQ TQ and SQ must be provided fully and based on factual position as that will add to the data reliability for this nationally significant survey.

22. No OMR or Question booklet should be retained or kept back in the school.

23. All Booklets will be collected back by the FI / Observer (survey team) and packed as per procedure.

24. After the Survey, FI / Observer would complete the packing and the Observer would leave for depositing the NAS papers to the designated centre.

Valuable cooperation from the Principal / Headmaster (HM) would be deeply appreciated in this endeavour. The Achievement Test and the Survey Questionnaires such as TQ, PQ and SQ are for the purpose of a national level study about the health of the educational system in the country. It has no bearing on the school individually nor any ranking of the child. The reporting is at the district level since district is the unit of reporting in NAS. We convey our best wishes and look forward to successful conduct of NAS in your school.

This website page will provide various updates related to the National Achievement Survey 2021 till 12th November. The page will be edited every day. So, save this page.


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