Recruitment of primary teachers in West Bengal


A few days ago, Hon'ble Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced that out of 20,000 Primary TET pass candidates, 16,500 will be required for teacher posts.  An official notification dated 23/12/2020 informed that verification / scrutiny is going to start from 25/11/2029.

The notification is given below …

Recruitment of primary teachers in West Bengal

::In Text::

Memo no. 1915/BPE/2020

Date : 23.11.2020


for the purpose of further process of


Online Applications for verification/ scrutiny of the testimonials for ascertainment of training qualifications of TET-2014 qualified trained candidates

In terms of the order of the Department of School Education, Govt. of W.B. vide its memo no. S17-SE/EE/P-10M-6/09 (Pt-1), TET dt. 23.11.2020, online applications are invited from the TET-2014 qualified trained (as on date) candidates for verification / scrutiny of their testimonials for ascertainment

of their training qualifications in accordance with the notification no. F. No. 61-03/20/2010/NCTE(N&S) dt 23d August, 2010 as amended vide notification no. F.No. 61-1/2011/NCTE

(N&S) dt. 29.07.2011 and no. F. No. NCTE-Regl 012/16/2018 dt. 28.06.2018 for the purpose of further process of recruitment.

The candidates those who have appeared at the final examinations as on date of such training courses as

notified in the aforementioned notifications of the NCTE may also apply.

The portal for online applications shall open in the website: for submission of the applications on and from 25.11.2020 in strict adherence to the procedures given below:

1) Enter into the portal.

2) Click on the link.

3) Enter TET Roll No. and Date of Birth.

4) Please follow the instructions laid down therein.

The last date of such online form-fill-up and submission thereof is : 01.12.2020.


Can B.Ed pass candidates apply here?

According to the rules of NCTC (NCTE-Regl 012/16/2018 dt. 28.06.2018) if any TET pass candidate of 2014 has done B.Ed then the state government will give him a chance.

Which tet-2014 candidate of the training course has given the final year exam, will he get the opportunity to apply here?

The candidates those who have appeared at the final examinations as on date of such training courses as notified in the aforementioned notifications of the NCTE may also apply.

Online Application of TET-2014 qualified candidates.

How to apply here?

The steps of application are as follows...

  • Click here to open the website portal.

  • Click on the Application link located in the notification bar.

  • A new page will open. Guidelines given here should be read well. Understand how to apply from the given instructions.

  • Then start the application.

When will the online application start and when will it end?

The online application process will start from 25.11.2020 and the last date of submission is 01.12.2020.

Instructions 1

Please read all instructions carefully and satisfy yourself that you meet the required Eligibility Criteria of submission of Online Application for Verification/Scrutiny of the testimonials for asertainment of training qualification.

  1. You must provide true and correct information is all fields including E-mail Address and Mobile Number.

  2. For Mobile Number verification you will receive a SMS with a One Time Password (OTP) into your entered mobile number. OTP’s are case sensitive; hence type exactly the same as received by you. Receiving of SMS’s may get delayed depending on your mobile phone service provider’s network.

  3. Check all entered details carefully before submitting your application form. Application form once submitted cannot be altered under any circumstances. Also note only one application is allowed against each roll number. (Multiple application against one roll number is not allowed.)

  4. Uploaded documents should be clean and clear. The file to be uploaded should be in PDF format and size of the file should be between 100kb to 200kb.

  5. Upon successful submission of your application form the system will send an SMS into the submitted mobile number as confirmation of submission of your online application form, the same will also contain the application number.

  6. An email containing a copy of your application form will also get delivered into the email address provided by you.

Star "*"marked fields are compulsory.

Instructions :2

Please read all instructions carefully before you proceed for updating of your submitted online application form for Verification/Scrutiny of the testimonials for ascertainment of training qualification.

  1. Providing of true and correct information is your responsibility. You must provide true and correct information is all fields. Editing is allowed only after successful submission of the online application form.

  2. In order to open up your submitted application form please enter information’s as asked for by the system and click on the validate tab. Thereafter follow instruction as appearing in the screen.

  3. For the purpose of authentication, the system will send a SMS with a One Time Password (OTP) into the mobile number submitted by you at the time of submission of your online application form. OTP’s are case sensitive; hence type exactly the same as received by you.

  4. After successful validation of OTP your application form will open up for editing. (Editing is allowed in all fields in section “Details of Graduation” and section “Details of Training Qualification”).

  5. Upload of documents (Mark Sheet / Certificate / Admit Card; as applicable) is MANDATORY after opening of the application form for editing. Re-upload the same before clicking on the “Submit” button.

  6. Uploaded documents should be clean and clear. The file to be uploaded should be in PDF format and size of the file should be between 100kb to 200kb.

  7. Before submitting the application form click on the link “View Uploaded Document” appearing below the upload bar to view the document uploaded by you.

  8. Before clicking on the “Submit” button check and satisfy yourself that all information submitted by you are true and correct.

  9. Upon successful submission of your application form the system will send an SMS into the mobile number as confirmation of submission of your online application form and an email containing a copy of your application form into the email id provided by you.

Star “*” marked fields are compulsory.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following questions and answers are given for the convenience of the candidates on the website

Q1. After submission of the application form, I have detected error in the same. How will I rectify the same?

Ans. Application form once submitted cannot be edited under any circumstances. The same is 

categorically mentioned in point no 3 of instructions.

Q2. My mobile number has changed, can I update the same? 

Ans. Yes you can. After successful validation of your roll number & date of birth you can update the 


Q3. I am not getting OTP in my mobile number? / I want to submit the application form at a later time? 

Ans. In order to change the submitted mobile number / log-out from the system without submitting your 

application form click on the “Clear All Data” tab. The system will take you to the starting page. 

Q4. In Training Qualification my university name is not appearing in the drop down list?

Ans. Please select option “OTHERS” both in Para “State” and “Training Board/University Name”. A new 

para will open up below the same where you can enter the name of the University.

Q5. At the time of submission of my application form, message displaying “Criteria Not Fulfilled.”?

Ans. Please read Memo No. 1915/BPE/2020 dated 23.11.2020 available in notice section.

Q6. I am unable to login / there is error in data displayed in non-editable mode?

Ans. Data is as provided by you at the time of Viva/Counselling held in 2016. You cannot modify the same. 

Q7. Mark column is demanding 4 digit, but my marks are not in 4 digits. What shall I do?

Ans. If marks you are entering is not in 4 digits, please add 0(Zero) in the beginning. (Example if marks is 

999 enter the same as 0999.) 

Q8. I want to obtain duplicate copy of my application form?

Ans. A copy of your application form is sent to the email id provided by you. Still if you want to obtain a copy of the same enter your roll number & date of birth and click on the validate tab. The page that opens up will contain link to download the same. 

Q9. I want to obtain duplicate Admit Card?

Ans. There is no system for issuing of duplicate admit card. Do not send any request for the same.

Q10. In column graduate, which mark shall I submit, only Hons or All Over (Pass + Hons + Compulsory)?

Ans. Both in column total marks & obtained marks you should submit that marks, based on which the University has awarded your degree completion / final result.

Q11. How will I verify that my application form has been successfully submitted into the system?

Ans. Once your application form is successfully submitted into the system, the system displays a thank you screen, it will also send an SMS into your mobile & will also send an email to your email address.

Q12. In what format will I enter my enrolment / registration / roll / number?

Ans. There is no fixed format for entering of enrolment / registration / roll / number. You can enter the 

same in any style / format. However entered details should match with your uploaded document(s).

Note :

1. Please do not send any request for any type of modification in your displayed / submitted details. The same will not be entertained.

2. Only those candidates who have qualified in TET-2014 (for classes I to V) and have registered for Viva/Counselling held in 2016 are eligible to apply.

3. At the time of submitting your problem kindly explain in detail the problem that you are facing, the same will help us to serve you better.

Validation Verification of Admit card TET 2014

The procedure to verify the validity of the 2014 Admit Card is as follows

Enter into the portal….

  • Open a browser (Chrome 50+, Firefox 50+, IE 9+ with minimum resolution of 1024x768).

Note: To do this on mobile, you need to turn on the Google Chrome browser desktop.

  • After entering this website, click on the link "Click here Online Applications for further process of Recruitment through verification / scrutiny of the testimonials for ascertainment of training qualifications of TET-2014 qualified trained candidates" located in the notification bar.

  • Enter the page "Online Application for Verification / Scrutiny of the testimonials for ascertainment of training qualification of TET-2014 qualified candidates".

  • Click on the "click here to proceed" link located on this page.

  • Understand all the instructions well on the registration page.

  • After completing the roll number and date of birth of the candidate for the 2014 Tet exam on the registration page, click on Validation.

Once the validation is verified, enter the new page.

The application form that you will see on the website ....... its structure is given below.

Registration Page

Roll No.

9 Digits only

Date of Birth

Applicants Name

Father / Husband's Name

Mobile Number

10 Digit Number


Details of Graduation


  • Yes 

  • No

Year of passing

Graduation course full Marks

4 Digits Max

Graduation course obtained Marks

4 Digits Max

Graduation Course Marks percentage


Details of Training Qualification

Training Qualification

  • Trained

  • Final Exam, Appeared & Result

Year of passing / Appearing Final Exam

Course Name


Training Board / University Name

Enrolment / Registration Number

  • 30 characters max

  • Entered details should match with uploaded document

Enrolment / Roll Number of Final Exam

  • 30 characters max

  • Entered details should match with uploaded document

Training Total Full Marks

4 Digits Max

Training Total obtained Marks

4 Digits Max

Upload copy of Marksheet ( Training Final Exam)

Pick a File

  • Supported file format: pdf

  • Allowed file size- 100 kb to 200 kb

Upload copy of certificate  

 ( Training Final Exam)

Pick a File

  • Supported file format: pdf

  • Allowed file size- 100 kb to 200 kb


Candidate Email Address

Email ID

50 characters max

🔲I hareby declare that…….

After clicking on the box, click on the Submit button.

Click 👇


Online applications for recruitment of Primary School Teachers 

Click Here Online applications for recruitment of Primary School Teachers from among TET-
2014 qualified trained candidates.

Primary Teacher requirement Interview Questions

The recruitment process for the primary has started from today(10th January,2021). It will continue till January 18. Already applying job seekers have received mail and SMS. There is information about the date and place of the interview. Ten centers have been identified in the state for scouting, verification, etc. of application information of eligible candidates. Arrangements have been made to interview TET candidates from multiple districts at one center.

Click here for Interview Vanue.


Many are anxious about the interview. What kind of question is being asked? What are the questions being asked more? So many people are curious about it. Interview questions of some of the candidates interviewed today are highlighted in this report. It is hoped that this will reduce the anxiety of many job seekers.

1) Initial introduction episode

2) BA (college) establishment period?

3) The importance of infrastructure in school improvement?

4) How reasonable is it to give a mid day meal?

5) What is given in Sobujsathi project? Which class of students?

6) What is the sum of the three angles of the triangle?

6) What is the range formula?

6) Kalinga is currently in which state?

9) Which is the longest river in India?

10. Where is its source?

11) The names of the two writers of the district?

12) A novel written by Mustafa Siraj?

13. What is the difference between growth and development?

14) What is the difference between curriculum and syllabus?

15) When is RTI launched?

18) What is the full form of NCERT?

17) Do you think the profession of teachers is important? Why ?

Primary Tet Merit list



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