Early phase of teacher transfer, staff profile correction at iOSMS , The transfer has started on the Madrasa board

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Teacher Transfer

Many teachers have been teaching far beyond their family life.Their purpose is to utilize their professional skills and create a bright future for the students.By the way, those teachers are not able to give proper time to their family.
Relationships with family-members go to a bitter level because of not giving them time.
They fail to fill their children's deficiencies, grievances, absurdities, pleasures.They cannot provide proper care for their parents who are suffering from the disease.

Finally, the Hon'ble Chief Minister is feeling their pain, sorrow and disappointment, and she is announcing that they will be transferred to  own district. 
After the announcement, the Education Department has begun the preliminary phase of the transfer .
What is the initial stage of the transfer?
The initial step is to set up the staff profile on iOSMS.

For Secondary & Higher Secondary-

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All HOIs to update the following fields of all employees before submission of salary of March,
Professional Qualification
Year of possessing the professional qualification
Joining Date(Present Post)
Date Of First Joining In The Present School At Present Post
Date Of Joining In The Present School
Mobile No
Academic Section
Academic Group
 Town/ Village
Post Office
Sub Division
Police Station


For Primary Teacher

Some SI/S  have begun to collect data from teachers for modifying staff profiles on iOSMS portal.

Below is a sample

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✔️The transfer has started on the Madrasa board
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