Enrolment of OOSC

Display of the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding enrolment of OOSC

 Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission

Memo No:167(24)/CM&AS/ 115/ PBSSM/ 2022-23



  • The District Inspector of Schools'( PE & SE), All Districts

Sub: Display of the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding enrolment of OOSC

Ref: Direction of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India vide Order dated 09.05.2022


With reference to the above you are requested to take necessary steps to display the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India at the Notice Board in your office and also take necessary steps for wide circulation of the said order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the schools under your jurisdiction.

This may be taken as the most URGENT.

Enclo: Order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court

Yours faithfully,

State Project Director, PBSSM


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