Class Plan on Banglar Shiksha Portal

A teacher makes a class plan / lesson plan before teaching students.Currently teachers have to add Class plan in Banglar Shiksha portal.In this blog, I have briefly discussed about class plan and how to add class plan to the Banglar Shiksha portal.

What is Lesson plan / Class plan?

Lesson planning is the outline of well-thought-out, systematic sequential processes for smoothly conducting daily classroom learning.
That is, a detailed written form prepared for the purpose of presenting a special lesson to the students in the classroom is a daily lesson plan.
Just as an Engineer has a blueprint design for building, so do Teachers have a lesson plan for teaching.

Lessons plan steps / elements:

  1. Introduction- The introduction will be at the beginning of the lesson plan. Here the name of the institution, class, subject, number of students present, average age of students, time and date have to be mentioned.

  1. Behavioral objectives / learning outcomes-
Behavioral objectives / learning outcomes should be mentioned in this part of the lesson plan. Objectives / learning outcomes must be precise and the classroom must be directly measurable and observable. 

  1. conception- In this part the acquired or original idea is written. This idea is essential for achieving the purpose of the lesson. The idea will be very brief and relevant to the lesson. One purpose may have one idea and one purpose may have multiple ideas.

  1.  Materials: There will be a list of materials that will be used to make the lesson easy and understandable.
E.g., chalk, duster, textbook, worksheet, chart, map etc.
  1. Methods / Strategies- Appropriate methods or techniques should be mentioned to make the students interested, attentive and active in the lesson.
  2.  Preparation: The purpose of this step is to make the students fit for the new lesson. Entering the classroom, exchanging pleasantries with the students, taking homework and classifying are included in this part.This section will need to connect to the previous lesson with new content.
Lesson announcements should be taken after verifying the previous experience and interest of the students.
  1. Presentation: The main content in this section is to provide a complete workout of how the teacher will teach in the classroom.
 The teacher has to give a series of explanations of different methods or techniques in line with the teaching objectives.
In this phase the teacher has to apply various strategies to the students to acquire new knowledge, ideas, formulas or theories, attitudes, values ​​and skills.
In order to present the content, the lesson has to be divided into several parts and continuous reading has to be done.For this the teachers have to keep an eye on the needs, age, talent, environmental situation of the students.
The summary is to be made at the end of the presentation.
  1. Evaluation/Assessment:At the end of this lesson, the students are tested on how much knowledge, skills and attitudes they have acquired.
  2. Homework-It is part of the assessment. It provides thought-provoking work for the growth and development of knowledge related to the content of the lesson.
  3. Lesson finished:In this part,the end of the lesson is announced by thanking the students.

The main step of lesson planning

Although there are many elements to the lesson plan, there are only three basic steps. Basic refers to the part of the lesson plan in which the teacher conducts the teaching-learning activities.A three-step lesson plan is given priority over the issue of applicability. Those are
 1) Preparation 
2) Presentation 
3) Evaluation/Assessment
Homework is considered part of the assessment.

Conditions for formulating lesson plans

  1. Lesson plans will be useful for class.
  2. Lesson plans need to be formulated keeping in view the time.
  3. The use of teaching aids will be relevant and appropriate.
  4. Different questions, use of different methods, examples, formulas etc. where and how to use it will be mentioned in the lesson plan.
  5. Lesson planning will be participatory i.e. will reflect the active participation of teachers and students.

Class plan add to Banglar Shiksha portal

  1. First, you need to login(Teacher) to the Banglar Shiksha portal.
    Hawk Info for Teacher
  2. Click on "Academic" option under the main navigation menu.
  3. Click on "Class plan" option under Academic.
  4. A new window will open.
    Hawk Info for Teacher
Click to "Add New" .

  1. A new window will open.
    Hawk Info for Teacher
Click and select…..
Plan Date-

  1. Click to "Search".
When the search option is clicked, the syllabus index will appear in the box on the bottom left.
If you select today's topic from the syllabus index in the box on the left, you can see it in the box on the right.

  1. Click on "Save" .

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