FAQ of Pension & Family Pension

Some important FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) related to Pension & Family Pension

What to do before retirement from Service 

  1. Candidates will get a copy of PPO from DI, Treasury in sequence.

  2.  If not, you have to go to the concerned office.

  3. Make sure that the No Liability Certificate from PSA (Pension Sanctioning Authority) has arrived at the Treasury.Or take the necessary steps to the PSA yourself, now usually the process is done online.

  4. Open a New Pension Account.  Remember to always do Pension A/C Jointly and Bank Nominee.

 During Pension Appearance

  • Form-A, Annexure-I should be duly filled in two copies.

  • Xerox of Nominee's proof of date of birth.

  • Xerox of the first page of the Bank Passbook must be given and Mobile Number must be added.

  • Signature, name, address of a witness must be given in Form-A.

  • Copy of PPO (Pensioner's Portion) should be submitted.

What to do if a pensioner dies?

  • An application must be submitted to the Treasury informing the death within 7 days.

  • If the pensioner has a family pension recipient, the pensioner should apply to the Treasury with a Xerox copy of the death certificate to convert the pensioner to family pension.

  • If there is no family pensioner then an application should be made to the treasury for closing pension with a death certificate along with a copy of PPO.

  • Confirm from the Treasury whether Excess Payment has been deducted through Bank Challan.

Appearance of Family Pension

  1. Convert Joint Pension A/C to Pension A/C in respect of Family Pension.

  2. Keep Nominee in Bank A/C.

  3. Submit duly filled and attested Form-A, Annexure-I, Annexure-E, Specimen Signature Form along with two color photo copies.

  4. Xerox of age proof should be provided.

  5. Submit the age proof/identity proof of the nominee.

  6. Submit Copy of PPO (Pensioner's Portion).

Additional Pension for old age

Pensioners will get additional 20% of Pension Basic if they are 80 years old, 30% of Pension Basic if they are 85 years old, 40% of Pension Basic if they are 90 years old, 50% of Pension Basic if they are 95 years old, 100% of Pension Basic if they are 100 years old.

The same rule applies to Family Pension.

See below what to do in this case.

  • Apply to the Treasury with proof of age and submit a Residential Certificate along with it.

What to do in case of commutation restoration

The amount commuted by the pensioner is restored after 15 years. If for some reason the commute portion of a pensioner is not restored, then the Xerox of PPO should be applied to the Treasury.

Convert from EFP (Enhanced Family Pension) to NFP (Normal Family Pension)

If a Pensioner dies within 7 years of retirement then his Family Pensioner will get Pension as per EFP. How long the Family Pensioner will get pension at this rate is mentioned in PPO, then Family Pension is at NFP rate.

If for any reason the Pension is not converted from EFP to NFP then draw the attention of the Pension Section.

Life Certificate for pension 

Submit the Life Certificate in the prescribed form to the Concerned Bank every year in the month of November.

N. B. -

Mention the Pension ID Number when contacting or applying for anything related to Pension.

Click here to download all pension related formats. 


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