Cooking cost under the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Schools

 Cooking cost under the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Schools.

Content of Notification:

Government of West Bengal

School Education Department Mid Day Meal Section ACHARYA PRAFULLA CHANDRA BHAVAN Plot 7/1, Block- DK, Salt Lake, Sector-11, Karunamoyee, Kolkata-91 E-mail: Phone No.033-23596761, Fax No.-23344052

No 236-SE(CMDMP)/Genl-11/2011

Date: 29.06.2020

Sub : Revision of cooking cost w.e.f 01.04.2020 during 2020-21 under Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Schools.


I am directed to inform you that the rate of Cooking Cost per child per school day (PCPD) as provided by the Central Government and State Government (under 60:40 ratio) has been revised with effect from 1st April, 2020, in the following manner:


Revised Cooking cost per child per day




Primary (Class I to V)



Rs. 1.99

Upper Primary (Class VI to VIII) & STC including NCLP




All the Nodal Officers are requested to take necessary action so that the revised rate of Cooking Cost takes effect from 1st April, 2020, positively.

In this connection, it may be stated that the quantity of rice for Primary schools PCPD is 100 gms. and that of for Upper Primary and STC schools including NCLP schools is 150 gms.

This may be circulated to all concerned including schools.



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