The impact of the Novel Corona virus in West Bengal and the role of the West Bengal government

Hawk Info for Teachers

Public awareness is being spread in West Bengal government schools, colleges, hospitals and in various places in Festun....
Hawk Info for Teachers


Do not panic unnecessarily and do not spread rumours.
Government of West Bengal is dedicated to fighting this viral infection.
Symptoms of Novel Corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) infection.

This viral infection has symptoms similar to flu, like:

👉Difficuty in breathing

To protect yourself and others, follow the instructions below:


✔️Wash your hands at regular intervals with soap and water or alcoho-based handrub. Wash your hands even if they are visibly clean.

✔️While coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and moutn with your upper sleeve or handkerchief or tisue.

✔️Throw used tissue in a closed bin immediately after use.

✔️ Avoid being in a crowd or
large gatherings.

✔️If you feel unwell (fever, cough and difficulty in breathing), see a doctor.while visiting a doctor, cover your nose and mouth with mask or cloth.
✔️In case you feel unwel, self- quarantine yourself at home for 14 days. Stay a home, in isolation in a separate roon
(Home isolation)


❎If you are suffering from fever and cough then do not go near anyone.
❎Do not touch your eyes,
nose and mouth.
❎Do not spit in public.

For detailed information, call state government's helpline number:

Novel CORONA VIRUS Guidelines 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇


WHO's guideline....
Click 👉


"In view of the evolving situation on the spread of Novel Corona virus (COVID - 19), the advisories issued by WHO,UN and Central Government and as a matter of abundant precaution to check its spread in the State of West Bengal,it has been decided that all Government, Government-
aided, private educational institutions Schools, Colleges,
Universities, Madrasahs, SSK/MSK will remain closed from
16 March, 2020 to 31 March, 2020 in public interest. The
internal examinations of these institutions will also remain
suspended during the said duration.
However, the Board Examinations would be held as per schedule."
No. 85-SSE/20
Dated: 14.03.2020


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